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2017. 2. 8. 00:00 독서
removal of walls. Only after six days of signing the treaty, government proclaimed the Cabinet order No. 1(內閣令一號) to constitute the Sungbyeok Churry Wywonhoe(城壁處理委員會, The Committee for City Walls). The committee took charge of resposibility on destruction of some parts of walls - walls around Namdaemun and Dongdaemun, Ogansumun, and city walls of J eon’ju and Nam’won.
At times, Korean officials demanded destruction as well, to construct modern street through the wall. Outside of that, Japanese army, officials, immigrants asked for removal for various
Japanese Immigrants, Modern Street.
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 러일전쟁 이후(1905∼1910) 도성·읍성 성벽의 훼철  / 김혜미 이용률 보통
학위논문,한양대학교 대학원,석박사학위논문실(107호)


posted by 조현정팀장